Sunday, August 31, 2008

Favorite Lines

We have been in school now for a little over a week, and here are some of the things that I have heard from my children......
"Mom, it's so early." r
"When is brother coming home?" (It was only 9:30am, when this question was asked.) m
"I actually get four recesses!" r
"When I grow up, I will take a pink lunch box." m
But, this is my all time favorite.... My son was showing me all his work that he did in the week, and explaining every part of it. He was working on a book all week entitled "All About Me." In this book the students practiced writing the whole alphabet, then they were to color three crayon shaped spaces their favorite color, then label it. Well I noticed one was colored and labeled red, another blue, and the other one was colored, but not labeled. It was colored in green and brown tones......
"Well, I couldn't finish because I didn't know how to spell camouflage, and my teacher didn't know what I was talking about."
So, in case you were wondering, his favorite colors are red, blue, and camouflage!!!!!!
Happy school days!


Heidi said...

What a darling picture, we're going to print it and hang it on our picture board. The camo story is the BEST!!

Hulberts said...

Ha ha ha! First, that's hilarious! Second, he needs a new teacher.

Angie said...

Great story. I am confident that it was a proud moment for his daddy!! Love it. Great pictures of the little darlings.

Lesley said...

That is so cute! Camo should be a color!

Katie said...

so cute! i don't blame him, i can't spell camouflage without spellcheck!

Megan/Brassy Apple said...

LOL!!! that must come from his dad! too funny! maybe crayola will come out with a camo crayon! :)