Saturday, April 19, 2008

All about me....

I took this idea from my cousins blog. Here are 100 things you may or may not know about me.

1. I love being married.

2. I love being a mom.

3. I love food! Thank goodness for my metabolism.

4. I am shy. (Until you get to know me.)

5. I loved being pregnant. If I could I would be pregnant all of the time.

6. My favorite color is orange.

7. I love water.

8. I take long showers.

9. I brush my teeth in the shower.

10. I love to dance! Especially in the kitchen with Rocky.

11. I loved high school, but am so glad it's over.

12. I have moved 18 times in my life.

13. I love my house. I can see how people can become hermits. :)

14. I never liked to read until I read the Work and Glory series.

15. I do not like Oreo's, Doritos, or Ice Cream. That does not mean I don't eat them.

16. DVR rules!

17. I never knew people thought I would not survive Diabetes until I got married. Then I heard, "We didn't think you would live. Our prayers worked!"

18. I love prayer.

19. I believe worrying is a waste of time.

20. I do not like to shave my legs, but I do it anyway.

21. I love to laugh.

22. I love to sleep.

23. I am so glad Heaven Father has a plan, because if it were up to me, well, it wouldn't be good.

24. I love to wear skirts and dresses. I wonder where my daughter gets it?

25. I loved playing in the hills or in our backyard with my siblings.

26. My siblings always complained about me being the favorite. I wasn't, I just need extra attention due to being diabetic.

27. I love to watch people.

28. I have 1 friend I have known since I was two.

29. I can sew, but not in a straight line! HA!

30. I love to cook and bake.

31. I love holidays.

32. Almost every person I know, I have a food memory with.

33. I love the beach.

34. I like watching my husband do things around the house.

35. I miss living near my parents. I want them to live next door.

36. I love yard sales and thrift stores.

37. I love mail.

38. I love surprises.

39. My first reaction to almost everything is laughter, whether it is funny or not.

40. I miss my grandparents deeply.

41. I have a really good memory.

42. I know many weird and unusual facts.

43. My shirts are organized by color.

44. I love to paint.

45. I love jeans and tee shirts.

46. I love listening to my dad laugh.

47. I was a candy stripe-r in high school.

48. I love pageants.

49. I love movies that make me laugh and cry.

50. Adoption is awesome! I love talking about it.

51. My life is blessed.

52. I have an amazing family.

53. I have an amazing extended as well. (And of course that includes my in laws!)

54. I have a quick temper at times.

55. I spent a lot of summers in McCall, and we have continued that since we have been married.

56. These are all the jobs I have had... house cleaner, veterinarian tech, candy stripe-r, daytime nanny/nurse to a girl with CP, personal ironer, ISU solicitor, sold shoes, manger of the shoe department, dental assistant, office manager, consultant.

57. I secretly want to be a cowgirl.

58. I really enjoy blogging.

59. I enjoy taking pictures.

60. I love the smell of the grass being mowed.

61. I am thankful for my college experience. I think everyone should go away to college.

62. My husband and I are going to serve a mission together.

63. I think I am more coordinated than I am.

64. I love holidays and celebrations.

65. I used to think my stuffed animals were real. They had names and personalities. Some of them didn't get along with one another.

66. I love relish trays. YUM!

67. I don't like waiting for adoption, but I am trying to be patient.

68. Every time I see my orange kitchen aide mixer, my heart smiles. Rock gave it to me for his graduation.

69. I married a man who spoils me.

70. I thought I was contagious when I first got diabetes.

71. I love to kiss my kids on the neck, and belly.

72. I am a protective mother.

73. I cried my eyes out the first day of school. It is hard to let these kids grow up.

74. I am proud of my kids, and who they are.

75. I learn something new every time I read the scriptures.

76. I learn something new about myself every so often too.

77. I am happy with the woman I have become.

78. Crying is my second reaction to everything. It doesn't have to be sad.

79. I have been told so many times in life that I am very intimidating. What is so intimidating?

80. I do not like to be in the car for more than an hour, but it is worth it is we are heading somewhere fun!

81. I have never tried an alcoholic drink.

82. I have used 3 swear words in my life. There are so many other better things to say.

83. I should have tried harder in school. I just had too much fun.

84. I am way behind in scrap booking. My wedding album isn't done yet.

85. I like school supplies.

86. I love riding wave runners. The faster the better.

87. I love the wind in my hair.

88. I sleep with 3 pillows.

89. I am impatient with shampoo. If the bottle is half full I keep it turned up side down.

90. I have 3 ureters.

91. I wear glasses, and have since the sixth grade.

92. Sometimes I buy yummy treats and hide them, just so I do not have to share.

93. I am re-learning how to play the piano.

94. I love the smell of spit-up. (Do you think I am baby hungry?)

95. I have kept a journal since I was eight years old.

96. I have ripped and destroyed some parts of my journal.

97. I have been married almost eight years, and I am more in love with Rocky now more than ever.

98. I hope I can be as good a mother as my mom was, and is.

99. If I could be anyone, I would be me.

100. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I love the gospel, and I know our Savior lives.


Lesley said...

Wow, 100 things! That is awesome! I don't know if I could come up with that many.

Angie said...

Fun to read some of the unknown Witty facts. Miss having you around.

Whit said...

Hey Lacey, Tag! Write 100 things about you!

Cami Jill said...

I have a food memory of you. TCBY parfai (how do you spell that) on friday nights with a romantic comedy. Ah, that was fun! I'm trying to exercise more too. I even started a club - want to join? We meet at my house every third thursday (that's in 2 days). I too am thankful for DVR

Hulberts said...

Whit, I did 50 things. I hope that's enough.