Every year for my husband's birthday my sister gives him a gag gift. Well this year topped all the other gifts. She made his cake. Yes the picture of cat litter above is a picture of his cake. Gross I know, but you can eat everything in the cake. The "poop" is made of tootsie rolls that have been microwave on rolled or smashed up. There is a delicious mixture of cakes below the litter. The litter itself is vanilla wafers with loads of food coloring. We actually ate it. It took us a minute to get past the look. At first glance you want to vomit, but if you close your eyes, it was a chocolate, carmel delight! Since my husband loves cats so much, it was a great gift. We even served it with a pooper scooper.
Help Wanted
8 hours ago
Gross!! I was thinking, "They got a cat, how did Whitty talk Rock into that?!" We do not like cats in this family!! Good job Wendi.
Props to Wendi, that is hilarious. Did she come up with that herself or did Riley??? Awesome!!
She found it on the internet somewhere. I think it is contest worhty.
LOL...I was trying to figure out why on earth you put your cats liter box on your blog..GROSS but the cake idea is just off the chart neat!!! It looks SOOOOO REAL I can see how it would take w while to get over the looks and enjoy the taste...lol....I will have to steal that idea. I really usually dont go for stuff like that but that is just priceless!!!
I just had to say I did look it up and found it on the internet...the instructions actually recommend you use a BRAND NEW CLEAN liter box and scoop..LOL...HELLO SOOOO FUNNY....so that is just a helpful hint to anyone confused on that issue..LOL
I have seen those! completely gross!!!! I want to throw up just looking at the picture! what a GREAT gag gift! too funny!!!
Hey Whit!!
I found your blog from Reece's!! How in the teck are you??? Are you local now???
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