Rocky and I signed up in May to be Foster parents. We started this process, took the classes, had our home studied.... Well, needless to say, we have had our first placement. A sweet little 9 month old boy was placed in our care the day before school started. Boy was that a crazy week! The past few posts talk about that week. We are not allowed to post pictures of this sweet baby, but we love him. He is at that fun stage where he wants to know, climb, crawl, scream, walk, and just discover the world around him. He gets into everything and bonks his head on everything, but he is a boy, and a busy one at that. My kiddos love him. They always want to hold him. He doesn't want to be held, he wants to play. He didn't sleep through the night at first. He was waking up between 4-6 times a night. Now, he sleeps through the night! Hooray! What a blessing! So, we have had him for a month, and we will have him until the end of this month, at least. "At least", that is what they say. Ha! We are happy with him here though. No, we will not be adopting him. We want him to return home. So, there is the story as to why our life got a little crazy. We are so grateful for the love and support. We couldn't have done this without you! (You know who you are.)